I actually just sat here in the same mood (well, not just about the sex..) I'm losing my best girlfriend, who is also my best friend, because she has some issues I just can't help her with. I try and try to keep her up, but nothing seem to work. The only difference is, that I try to take the challenge, and make things good again. I will never give up.
But remember this; you can only feel like "not feeling it" if you once felt it before. Grab the challenge, and be your own lord, then you might find the feeling again.
mmm lots of emo-thoughts.
To the song:
I like the beat. I had to get used to it though. The first silent snare hit is a bit weird, but I actually like it. I don't really know about the string. Is it on purpose it is a bit slow from the rhythm? Piano is very simple, but the chords are great. It has got a lot of emotion, but a building piano melody would definitely make it more interesting to listen to. The distorted part is just insane ! I LOVE it. I get the feeling of just doing nothing, and yet I want to destroy something.